

  • Jan Larsson,首席执行官

  • Jan Larsson,首席执行官

  • Jan Larsson,首席执行官

  • Lotta Loosme, Vice President Marketing and Communication

  • Lotta Loosme, Vice President Marketing and Communication

  • Maha Bouzeid,PG电子官方免费下载中东地区副总统 & 非洲

  • 伊冯·佩诺德,欧洲副总裁

  • Emil Akander, Vice President South and Southeast Asia

  • Emil Akander, Vice President South and Southeast Asia

  • Peter Ekdahl,美国副总裁

  • Peter Ekdahl,美国副总裁

  • Vivianne Gillman, Interim Head of Strategic Client Development

  • Vivianne Gillman, Interim Head of Strategic Client Development

  • Joakim Abeleen, Vice President East Asia and Pacific

  • Karolina Lirón Källåker, Vice President Human Resources


  • 数字使用的白色标识

  • 黑色标识用于数字使用

  • PG电子游戏标识印刷

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